English Homework - Spelling and Word Study: 6th Class Digital Unit
English Homework - Spelling and Word Study: 6th Class Digital Unit

English Homework - Spelling and Word Study: 6th Class Digital Unit

This is a 56-page digital unit taken from Book G in the English Homework series. Suitable for 6th Class pupils and provided as a PDF download.  

This unit:
  • provides activities on each page that teach and revise basic spelling and word study concepts
  • follows an organised format in which concepts are repeated and expanded
  • uses a focal list of vocabulary
  • has a pupil page supported by a corresponding teachers page
  • has a teachers page that includes answers and detailed information explaining each concept
  • provides additional reference information for teachers.
Ideal for:
  • teaching a new concept
  • consolidating and revising knowledge and skills
  • homework activities to revise skills taught in class
  • assessment.

**This eBook is not transferable, nor can it be on-sold or uploaded to an intranet site. For full copyright details, please see the Copyright Notice outlined in the eBook.**

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