Primary Grammar and Word Study: Book B
Primary Grammar and Word Study: Book B

Primary Grammar and Word Study: Book B

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Primary Grammar and Word Study – Book B features:

  • written to provide an introduction and consolidation of parts of speech, understanding and using words, punctuation and figures of speech
  • new concepts introduced on each high-interest worksheet
  • clear and concise explanations and instructions
  • interesting activities which require pupils to identify the focus in context and use and practise the focus
  • detailed teachers notes accompany each pupil worksheet, which include focus, definition, explanation, worksheet information, ideas for further practice and answers
  • curriculum links and checklists to aid assessment also included
  • suitable for 1st Class

    The Literacy programme I am using with my First Class is Jolly Grammar 1, which as many of you will know is a challenging enough programme! Now I was not and am not looking to replace this as I think it is an amazing programme but I am always happy to come across something that complements it and makes my life that bit easier! This Primary Grammar and Word Study book definitely falls into that category. It has a photocopiable worksheet on almost every element of grammar that comes up in the Jolly Grammar programme. I've been steadily making my way through the Jolly Grammar but I have found when it came to looking for another activity to consolidate the concept being covered or to give for homework it was a case of trawling through other 1st Class workbooks (many of which wouldn't be covering things to the same level as the Jolly Grammar) or searching online to find a worksheet covering roughly what was covered in the textbook. The level of the worksheets in this book correspond very well to the level of the work in the Jolly Grammar book so can easily be used for consolidation work. Having everything together like this just makes my life easier which in turn makes for a happier múinteoir!

    Magic Múinteoir

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