Sounds in Focus is a whole-school spelling and language programme.
The Sounds in Focus Infant Programme is divided into two main phases: Exploring Sounds (which can be completed in Junior Infants) and Discovering Graphemes (which can be completed in Senior Infants).
These two phases are designed for flexible use and the teacher can choose which phase(s) to use depending on the ability of their class. Each phase introduces and consolidates concepts and skills in a carefully graded progression. It has been written with the intention that the pupils experience Exploring Sounds activities before moving on to Discovering Graphemes.
I really liked this programme and though I am not a big fan of textbooks I found the textbook was particular useful to assess where the child might be struggling. I really like the way it runs from Junior Infants up to 6th Class as a consistent approach to literacy will only benefit the students. I loved the resources that came with it online and they were used every day for literacy stations. The students worked very well with this approach with sounds, list and special words being remembered and used. The assessment tests will be ideal for my class towards the end of the year and also for ongoing assessment in your literacy lessons. If your school is using Jolly Phonics or a similar programme, then it might be an idea to take Sounds in Focus on as it not only supplements but has the ability to take over from the Jolly Phonics programme which may not have enough for the average class teacher.