Bring history to life in the classroom with The History Box
Covers all strands of the history curriculum for 4th Class.
The full list of topics covered in the 4th Class box can be viewed here.
The History Box is a new, innovative history resource. Written by a practising Irish teacher, The History Box aims to support teachers by placing a strong emphasis on the knowledge and skills outlined in the history curriculum. Within each box, there are a number of historical topics presented in units and arranged according to the strands of the history curriculum.
The History Box contains:
A4 Topic Focus cards (4 copies of each card: 64 per box);
A5 Work as a Historian cards (2 cards for each unit, front and back activities). These cards engage pupils with the topic and set the scene;
Teacher Guide which includes notes on teaching history in the primary school, an explanation of The History Box, teacher’s notes for delivering each unit of The History Box and scope and sequence charts;
Activity Resource Book which contains all the photocopiable material that can be used to support the activity cards in The History Box. This includes two activity worksheets based on the Topic Focus card, an activity worksheet for each of the four Working as a Historian cards and two assessment pages for each section covered in the box. There are also additional resources required for every unit and a selection of graphic organisers for historical research.