The Early Years Maths Box was written to support the teaching and learning of mathematical skills and concepts in order to encourage and motivate active maths learning in Infant Classes.
The box contains:
Benefits of The Early Years Maths Box:
I have been sent the Maths Box for Early Years to review. I am currently teaching Senior Infants and have had the last month to put the activities to use! First of all, let me explain the product for you. The Maths box is a colourful and robust box that contains 300 colourful cards to help support the teaching and learning of mathematical skills in the Infant Classes. It is not intended as an independent resource but more so teacher-led table or group. There are 4 copies of each of the 75 unique maths cards and I would be able to use a card per table if I had access to three other SET teachers. Therefore, this resource would be absolutely super for in-class support or a smaller withdrawal setting with the SET. Each card sets a challenge based on a maths curriculum objective. The photocopiable Teacher’s Guide that comes with it has a full page lesson plan explaining how to introduce the skill, set up the maths card and then extend the learning with additional activities. There are useful sections on differentiation and assessment and suggestions for online resources and links. For an extra bonus, it comes with a free digital version of the Teacher’s Guide as well with a scope and sequence chart. The scope and sequence chart is a long term plan and it gives you the ability to track individual pupil and and the whole class with some lovely teacher tracking sheets. This product is different because not only does it add to your own maths teaching in an easy and pick up and go way, it supports oral language development with the instructions on the card that the teacher reads out and the pupil responds. Each card is made up of 3 varying levels of ability so whether the teacher is working with any ability grouping, these cards will work well. I used the cards easily once I had completed my own short term plans by selecting the appropriate card for the curriculum objective and mathematical skill and slotting that into my maths groups. I am aware it is pricey but it is a brilliant investment if you want to find new, active ways to jazz up your own maths teaching and learning and to ensure all abilities are being challenged.
Overall I really like the Maths box and definitely think it would be a great addition to any classroom for station teaching or for use with early finishers. The cards and interesting, relevant, colourful and incorporate real life maths.