The Maths Box 5 was written to support the development and learning of mathematical skills and concepts for 5th Class pupils and contains a free comprehensive Teacher Guide.
Each box contains 75 high-interest, brightly-coloured laminated cards (2 of each card, 150 cards in total) and 75 colourful answer cards.
The cards in each box are:
Overall I really like the Maths box and definitely think it would be a great addition to any classroom for station teaching or for use with early finishers. The cards and interesting, relevant, colourful and incorporate real life maths.
The Maths Cards would be worth the investment however I would begin with the Maths Box for the class below your own group. I felt that they were an ideal way to revise previous concepts and build confidence in that topic also especially when the children were not familiar with the cards. I would then use the class set of cards at the end of the topic to build on what was covered in lessons within the class. As the children become more familiar with Maths Cards in other classes, you may not need to use the lower option, but starting out I felt my class benefited from using Maths Box 5. These cards could also be used for early finishers activities and for higher achievers. There are record sheets for the students in the teachers manual to encourage autonomous learning. Overall I was very pleased with the Maths Box, as were my 6th Class. As we began a topic today they asked me about doing Maths Box instead. They are familiar with the comprehension box so they are eager to work on Maths Boxes too.
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I was in touch with Prim-Ed a few weeks ago about their new Maths Box. I was eager to try them out as I hoped they would be as good as their Comprehension boxes. They sent me out two boxes to review, Box 3 and Box 5. Instead of having a quick look at them and throwing up a review on the blog I wanted to give a very honest review. So over the past few weeks I have familiarised myself with the boxes and what they have to offer. Each box covers the strands of Number, Algebra, Shape and Space, Measures, and Data. The cards themselves are very colourful and appealing to the children. They saw them as a fun activity rather than 'work'. Like the Comprehension box separate answer cards allow pupils to work independently. What I like about the Maths Box: - Firstly the colurful design and interesting images - Two cards per topic. this allows either two individuals or two groups to work on the same topic at the same time. - The answer sheets allow the children a great amount of independence - The cards themselves are unlike the children's maths books. This allows a chance to practice skills they have already worked on in class. - The cards have additional activities to challenge the more able pupils - They would also be very suitable for early finisher work - They would be very suitable for station teaching
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